I got on the roof at lunch and it looks like an abominable snowman sneezed all over the joints and seams. :(
Guess I'll pick up a few tubes of self-leveling, grab a scraper and get started. You can see where the bubble over the tub is loose so I'm assuming that's the source of the leak but the caulking definitely needs attention. Man I hate being up there.
Wish I could get eternabond locally.
As for the mildew/mold or whatever, I can't do much besides clean the panel. There's no taking it down to inspect behind it, unless I want to start taking out the bathroom walls. So I grabbed some vinegar and bleach and I'm gonna give that a go.
The air admittance things, I only found one. Looking at the plumbing diagrams there should be one for the fresh water tank as well but I can't for the life of me locate it. Anyone have any ideas?