Our travel over the years often included weekend trips to racing events, football games, etc., where dump facilities were not readily available. We frequently returned home with holding tanks partially full and no facilities for dumping there either.
I have gone several weeks before using the coach(es) again and find as long as we kept enough water/liquid in the black tank and drove as little as 3-4 miles before dumping that everything worked well. We always use a chemical in the black tank, and know some owners who don't, but I can't say this made it any better or worse as for the results I have seen.
My experience has been less positive when we are parked for weeks or longer, and dump the black tank every few days. The lack of agitation from driving down the road being the missing difference requires much more diligent flushing to keep the tank clean than when we are traveling and agitating everything constantly.
Others experiences may vary, but that's mine.