Forum Discussion

TBERRY65's avatar
Mar 04, 2019

Blower Motor for Cabin Air

2006 Danmom Challenger 372, Ford V10, I have had air flow issues with cabin air. When I put the fan control switch to the last position fan stops. First positions work fine. I can"t remember if this was normal. Good airflow just wondering if I'm missing a higher speed. Right now it's a three speed system. I have changed the fan control switch and the fan control resistor. Any ideals. Thanks
  • I don't have the same make of moho as yours but on mine
    I have a rotary fan switch , all the way ccw is off , rotating cw
    I have slow , med and hi speeds .
    The slower speeds go through the resistor but the hi speed is operated
    through a hi speed relay . I imagine yours is too
    Look for a fuse and relay for the hi speed .
  • There is usually a extra spade on the resistor. When you go to MAX speed it bypasses the resistor and goes direct to that extra spade which puts full 12 volts to the motor. Remember, it is NOT a FORD system but aftermarket. usually your year it may be an EvansTempcon system. Doug
  • Teberry65, This question is a good intro question(I know it's your second), so Welcome to the Forums:). There is a huge amount of information available here if you just ask for it and ignore the snarky answers some hand out.

    Doug who answered your question is a pro, yeah! I mean Pro in that he does RV repairs for a living. Second a good signature is very helpful. Often we need year, make and model of your rig and when talking about a system (HVAC for instance) the manufacturers name, year and model are an absolute must.

    There is a great sticky(think Post_It note) on posting photos. Read and practice a couple times in the proper section. There is a section for making test posts, actually it is the section you used to originally post this thread. Doug gave you a couple of links to read, because giving the make, year and model of an appliance if known and a picture or two will quickly tell us what we're dealing with and you'll get faster and more accurate results.

    The second very important thing is to realized some folks can snarky, very snarky. I myself have been known to be a little snarky at times. Of course when I do it, the member I'm responding to deserves it. :W :B :o

    As my late MIL use to say, "Just A Quick PS".

    I wondered why my HVAC control panel had a MAX AIR position and it didn't work. My current rig does too. I think it is because MAX AIR is used to cool a car or truck cab as quickly as possible, think about it, the air space of a Class A and a C are just too big for a auto air conditioner to cool. A manufacturer may make a lot of vehicle systems but few make them for specific for RVs and to make a control panel just for one specific rig and only for one year is really cost prohibitive, so you'll see a lot of generic things in your rig. It's called cost control.

    So Welcome and we hope to see more questions and when you're comfortable, jump in with what you all ready know and even with your opinions.

    I thought you posted about the Banks System earlier, so This is a really good FIRST question not second.
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    I do not know what heater system you have on that RV but both Ford based and GM based systems are ... "Alike" in what I am about to say.

    First: it could be a bad switch.. Hey it happens

    Second: you have two relays One is the "low speed" relay that feed power to the switch. then to one of a series of taps on a big wire resistor that is in the air flow path (it's air cooled) this does low and medium speeds.

    Then there is a HIGH SPEED relay that feeds power direct to the motor (or the motor "Tap" (End) of the Resistor)

    My guess is this easily replaced relay is bad or in need of contact cleaning.

    Same thing happened to my starter pilot relay last spring.. I fixed it (thankfully) by simple cleaning.. I was stopped and NOT in a good spot to have to wait for a mechanic.