MilesandSmiles wrote:
We drive a 2004 Fleetwood Southwind gasser, and although the engine noise is usually not a bother, it is when we want to listen to music or podcasts while driving. We’ve tried our little Paperback-size Bose on the dash, but it’s just not powerful enough. Has anyone tried a more powerful Bluetooth speaker on the dash or on a table over the doghouse when driving? Any specific recommendations?
Nothing for the noise but maybe for the Bose. On the Bose Bluetooth speaker I have there are two volume controls to deal with. One on the speaker itself and the one on the device sending the bluetooth signal. The way I do it is turn up the speaker volume the whole way and then control the volume from my phone. Basically the sound level will only go as high as the lowest high setting of the two. So if the speaker is set to medium and you turn the volume on your phone all the way up, you are only going to get medium volume.