If you have hazards and turn signals, then the fuses and wiring to the lights are fine. That leaves 2 possibilities. the turn signal switch and the hazard switch. On my MH they are all in the same unit. Not sure about the 2003 version. The switch on the brake pedal seems to be working as it energizes the booster pump when you step on the brakes. You could also check the brake/turn pins in your 7 pin trailer connector. It is a separate circuit from the coach brake lights.
I had a similar issue on my 1999. The MH brake lights worked fine but the right brake light in the trailer connector did not. The turn signal worked ok. It turned out to be the multi-function switch (turn signal/hazard/wiper switch). I had called Newmar and they told me that was all Ford wiring. Ford was less than forthcoming with information unless I wanted to buy the service manuals. Finally found a Ford mechanic that enlightened me about the 2 separate circuits and what to check for.