RV:2000 Holiday Rambler Endeavor
Engine: Cat 3126
Transmission: Allison 6 Speed
Symptoms: Release of all air pressure when releasing park brake
Found park chamber to have broke spring which ripped the diafram and upon removal corroded fitting/line
Actions: tried to cage the brake and the rod was off center with the spring, next day after getting a ride home I found a truck shop that had the chamber I needed (2430 long stroke) taking off the old one took a bit of guts since the brake couldn't be caged and had to release the chamber from the bracket still attached to the slack arm. It didn't move much since the spring was broke (told the wife to dial 91 and keep her finger over the 1) noticed a line was cross threading and upon inspection the threads nerled over when I removed it,, went to Travel America and they had a line for me and a new fitting,, it was getting late and since I wasn't that far from home (and had to work today) I plugged the lines tied em up and took it home. I still have to install the chamber (measure and fit (cut) the pushrod to the other side since I couldn't cage the original),, But I don't have to be in a rush to do so (paying another day)
Total Cost = 121
2430ls from Southwest brake in Hamtramck, mi $63
Airline and Fitting from TA $58 (I think is overpriced, but they were a couple miles away)
Having a brake job like that done with flat tow would probably be 1500 or more