Mr.Mark wrote:
Kidoo wrote:
Thanks you all for your suggestions. The camper just got sold tonight for 35000 $, pretty cheap for a 2011 with 7,000 miles.
Well I guess someone knew exactly what he wanted.
WOW, I looked up units (Hurricane 30Q) and the retail for a 2011 is about $60,000 asking at retail stores. Looks like someone did get a good deal.
Personally, I want slides but I can see the interest if someone wants a low-key, low maintenance unit. No muss, no fuss.
Hope that you can find the unit that you want. As you can see, a no slide unit can be a good buy compared to it's original new price.
I'm curious though, how did you find out how much the selling price was?
It was advertized at 36,000 and I phone thme. They got the price they wanted