msmith1199 wrote:
67Cutlass wrote:
msmith1199 wrote:
You are correct. I bought my DP with three slides with the only thought in mind to impress others in the RV park. I really don't need the space or even like the slides, but I spent the money because I just love to impress people. :R
I'll up you one, we bought our DP with 4 slides to impress even more people in the campgrounds. Who wants the space anyway?:S
BTW - can you even buy a new class A without slides?
Regardless of what anyone says, buy what fits YOUR needs and wants.
You got me! Four slides will impress a lot more people than three slides. I'm going to have to get a rig with five slides next time so I can impress even more people!
to impress people but without causing potential leaks, etc. I just mount 6 slide toppers on my RV and paint appropriate slide edges on the sides.