Passin Thru wrote:
I'd buy one and wait til it goes out. Not that bad to change but then, I'm a airplane mech and don't mind getting dirty.
Well Sir, buying one ahead of time and keeping it around for that potential time the original one goes out is a good thing. But, not sure if you've EVER looked into ALL the issues of replacing that one bearing. While you may be an air plane tech, getting to that particular bearing is one serious pain in the a$$. And, no one in their right mind, that knows what's involved, would want to even think about doing it in the middle of nowhere.
And, if you've never actually looked at where and how that bearing is kept on the C-7s, I'd do some research. While we speak, I have a buddy that's just gone through some really pains taking ordeal, just to gain access to that bearing. And I'm only speaking of the fan bearing hub retainer. Getting all that's in the way, OUT OF THE WAY, like the radiator, CAC, and more, is a chore in itself.
Then, that fan bearing hub is retained with four, very small, flat head, 4mm Allen Drive screws. Those screws are some of the toughest screws to break loose on that entire engine. 4MM Allen wrenches are not very strong. And those screws, don't want to give up their purchase on that hub, especially since they've been in there for thousands and thousands of miles, heated, then cooled down, then heated and cooled down, hundreds of times. Talk about just a bit of frustration.
My buddies not the only one who's almost dynamited them out of there. And all these so called "Solution" penetrating oils/formulas etc., DIDN'T EVEN TOUCH THESE little screws.
There's been one gent who got smart and, lucky and, welded a nut to each one of the heads, A FEW TIMES before they finally broke loose. But, not many folks carry a welder around in their motor home, while traveling. So, good luck when it comes time to replace it. It's not a fun project.