jorbill2or wrote:
This is not about old analog tv vs new digital tv The campground cable in this CASE uses a "special " channel set that is not the standard digital cable .. the one your new Tv is program to scan. Most new tv's come ready to scan over the air and STANDARD digital cable ...not so with these special channels ... so much for cable ready ! .
I believe this is the cable company forcing people to use "their cable box" a small charge of course !. The campground has no choice but to use whatever the local cable dictates .. and ea cable company seems to use there own propritiary Box making your new tv tuner useless.
I agree. The new Digital TV's are in many cases able to decode and view channels that would normally be blocked. Before our cable provider changed their distribution to non standard channels our televisions were getting dozens of channels that were not in the package we were paying for. We had the service for several months and thought it was a complimentary upgrade.
One day some of the channels weren't coming in very well so I called the provider. I was informed that we weren't supposed to be getting the extra channels, but the company didn't have an effective way to block them from the latest generation digital sets.
About a year later we had to go to the local cable office and pick up a decoder box for each television. Now we only get the channels we pay for.
So don't blame the campgrounds. Blame the cable providers. Each of the boxes we use has a $5.00 per month rental fee. The price of cable went up while the subscription for any given package stayed the same.
The cable company is still advertising a $29.99 per month package when bundled. At the bottom of the screen in text so small you can't read it is a message with an asterisk. If you freeze the screen and look at the footnote below the asterisk it says to contact the local office. When you do they tell you the package also requires a cable box for $5.00 additional per month.