Forum Discussion

lighthousemantn's avatar
Aug 09, 2014

Car trailer versus flat towing

We own a 35 foot Allegro Open Road Class A and our toad is a Honda CR-V. We're trying to decide whether to buy a car trailer or the tow plate, braking system, etc to flat tow the toad. I would like to get some input from the forum on how difficult/expensive it would be to find a campsite long enough for the MH, the 25 foot trailer, and the car if it was unloaded from the trailer. As always, thanks so much for your input.
  • A couple of our friends tried taking their car on a trailer and after one season switched to flat towing. In both cases, the reason was the nuisance of finding a place to put the trailer and the effort involved in loading/unloading the car. We have only flat towed and it works well for us.

    We just bought a new Fiat and had base plate, etc. installed. We had a Brake Buddy for our SUV, but it would not physically fit in the Fiat so ended up getting an Invisibrake. It was not a cheap undertaking but I am sure purchasing a car trailer is just as expensive.

    Good luck with your decision.