lighthousemantn wrote:
We own a 35 foot Allegro Open Road Class A and our toad is a Honda CR-V. We're trying to decide whether to buy a car trailer or the tow plate, braking system, etc to flat tow the toad. I would like to get some input from the forum on how difficult/expensive it would be to find a campsite long enough for the MH, the 25 foot trailer, and the car if it was unloaded from the trailer. As always, thanks so much for your input.
You obviously haven't tried to tow before have you? I towed with a dolly last year didn't have that much problem with room at sites. I have a 2014 CR-V this year and it is MUCH EASIER to hook up and unhook. In all but 2 parks there was room to park the car on the site with the RV. There were NO places where there would have been room to park the RV car and trailer in you site. There may have been a couple that you could have left the trailer hooked up but most the trailer would have stuck out in the street. This means you would have had to find a place where you could back the trailer in with the motor home and back up and hook it up then load the car.
I just got back from a road trip I was in 40 different RV parks in the last 75 days.
You have one of the best cars to tow 4 down and that is what I do and that is what I recommend.
You can look on Ebay or craigslist for a used tow bar and brake buddy or other supplemental brake.I would by the base plate new but you might find one in good condition.