Forum Discussion

2ndhom's avatar
May 05, 2014

CareFree Awning Stop Working .... Update & fixed

Where to look first ?????? Awning is the 21 footer, windsmart auto-retract (awning will retract if too much wind) multi-switch (there's an operating switch inside the coach and one on the bottom arm of the awning).I pushed the switch to push out the awning, it moved out about 4 inches and then stopped. Now the awning won't move in or out. The on/off switch is lit as if there's is power going to the switch. I have the operators manual in front of me and there isn't a trouble shooting section. There is a "jump start" suggestion on page 16 puting 12 volts right to the motor pigtail but don't want to go there yet in that it's rainng outside!!
Any suggestions folks?? Thanks ......
Stoped raining, got out the ladder, climbed up and found the Awning electrical connector, turned it to disconnect, looked inside and found a slight bit of corrosion in and around the ground pin. Cleaned it out and sprayed a little WD-40, re-connected, pushed the extend toggle switch and the awning moved!!! Thanks all for your help!!
  • What if you switched the chassis/coach battery disconnects off/on? Might be easier than fishing for the power lead. Ours was hidden behind an artificial wall panel in the cabinet behind a bunch of dishes.
  • Two things to try. Disconnect power lead to reset the controller. Check all connections.
  • Ther Carefree web site has troubleshooting guides available for download. I had to troubleshoot mine and ended up buying a new control box.
  • I am having ongoing issues with mine at the moment. If I wait 15 minutes, it will begin to operate again. Perhaps give that a try. If not, try to tap on the motor at the one end of the awning roller. The brushes may not be making contact, causing issues.

    I believe my motor may need to be replaced, will confirm after some more troubleshooting. Oddly enough, this is a late model GM power window motor. The part cost approximately $200.00 from Carefree. A solid OEM motor cost $80.00 through a parts supplier.