volumes mean squat when trying to figure out what to carry and where. At least that's my opinion. I found the first year full timing to be the most trying. You tend to load up the coach with everything including the kitchen sink. Then you find out the bathroom sink, although much smaller, works just as well. I remind the DW, when you buy something for the coach, what are you removing?
All that said, once you narrow down your search to two or three models, take them for a test drive to a Flying J/Pilot/TA whatever, truck stop and get up on the scales. Cost is about 10 bucks per weigh. Note the amount of fuel in the tank and whether the fresh water/grey/black tanks are empty. Don't forget the propane tank too. Armed with all that info, you can then reasonably calculate the CCC of each coach. You will find yourself looking at products for the coach based on usability and weight, not just usability. Aluminum will become your best friend...:)...Be aware, though, some coaches have very little wiggle room as far as CCC is concerned....Dennis