n4hwl wrote:
I know there are a lot of motorhomes out there with the cat 7.2 liter. I have had a few problems with mine. I have lost 2 injectors and had a wiring harness for the injectors inside the valve cover dropped down and shorted out on the rocker arms. That was expensive. I also recently had an oil leak around the plate that holds the oil filter where it attaches to the block. This has happened over about a 4 year period and about 30k miles. What kind of luck are others having with their cat c7 engines?
Knocking on my head here (wood), we've had pretty darn good service out our '07 Itasca Horizon 36GD with the C-7. It's ran down the road with great dependability. The only time it's had any issues is, when I'm on a long grade and, it's warm outside. The temp will climb to anywhere from 205-212, plus or minus. And yes, I've done all the radiator/CAC cleaning etc. way more thoroughly than most. But, that engine sure seems to work great.
I've changed the oil each time myself and the fuel filters too. While I had the radiator and CAC out for maintenance and replacement, I replaced as many of the front bearings (serpentine tensioner and idler) (could not get the fan bearing off to replace it, grrrrr). Anyway, I think it's a good engine. Of all of the C-7s made, and, especially the ones in Motor homes, (no other service) I don't know how many have had any issues. You read of some issues that some on this forum have had but, not everyone who drives a motor home, especially one with a C-7, resides on this or other forums. So I don't know the ratio of the ones with say, serious issues, like the HEUI pump failure, is to the ones with no issues what so ever, in the time frame of ownership and long distance mileage.