I have a different CAT than you do (a 3126E 330 HP version 2003). I tow a 5,000 lb Nissan XTerra behind a 36' Safari Cheetah RV. Now have 55,000 miles on the RV and live in Reno, NV where everything starts at 4,500' and goes up from there. Many, many times I have climbed 0ver 8,000+' in the summer and my temp gauge never moves over normal range. You need to start by checking your thermostats, belt tension and the water pump and its belts as well as possibly draining and replacing your radiator fluid. Remember, most CAT and diesel engines also use the fluid to cool the tranny. Try washing the radiator, charge air cooler and tranny cooler. I wash mine after every trip to clear out the road junk etc. Your CAT should not get hot pulling your load.