Forum Discussion

Motor_City_Swag's avatar
Mar 24, 2013

Catalytic Converter Stolen

We are in Florida for the winter and our 2000 Bounder is back home in Michigan winterized and in storage. The Storage Facility manager called and left a message to let me know that thieves broke into the storage area and have stolen the catalytic convertors off of a number of vehicles one of which was our motor home. I do not know how they removed it. They said none of the vehicles were broken into or damaged in any other way.

They filed a police report on behalf of the business but urged each party to file their own. I am trying to remember the configuration of the exhaust system and the location of the catalytic converter, I have a Banks header system with the Dynaflo muffler. I would like to file the report from here and notify the insurance company to get it on the record and handle the claim and repair in person inMay when we are back home then I can evaluate the repairs needed in person. I am trying to avoid a emergency trip home.

  • I have seen over 100 stolen out of the same parking lot in one night. They even took the ones off of our church vans parked in the church lot.....believe me they don't unbolt them even if they are bolted on----like someone said above a portable saws all and they are in and out in a heart beat.
  • It is covered under your insurance policy if you carry comprehensive coverage (that is what would be left on for storage) minus any deductible you have. And yes, you should file your own police report.
  • This is becoming widespread! In case anyone is not aware of why theives are tageting cat/converters, it's because there is "platinum" involved in the interior makeup chemicals/metals that treat the exhaust.
    A buddy of mine just had his stolen off his Toyota Forrunner, right in front of his home. This was in La Mesa, CA. (Sub city of San Diego) and, the La Mesa PD says it's escalating. Most of the time, its the bolted on ones that are disappearing, not the welded on ones. But, they'll eventually get those too. What can we do? Who knows, hide your cars/trucks/motor homes etc. Setup 220V on them so they fry when they touch your car, who knows. Some of those CATs are seriously expensive.

    On our previous SUV, an '07 Grand Cherokee Overland 2WD with the 5.7 Hemi, it has (4) CATs on it. A pre-cat near the exhaust manifold and another one a bit farther down the line, on each side. When we purchased the car, it immediately had a code on the dash. Turned out it was the passenger side CAT. Good thing it was under warranty. That CAT, plus the labor to install it, $1800.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And that's just for ONE SIDE!!!! So, protect your cars.
  • They crawl under and use a battery powered reciprocating saw (Sawzall). It takes 30 seconds to remove one. They sell them for the precious metals for drug money...
  • Call the police department and file the report over the phone. It shouldn't be a problem especially if the storage manager already has a report number to cross reference. Many departments have Internet reports you could file too, if so, you could do that. Either way report it to your insurance company and they should be able to fix you up! Good luck.