For Dicor lap joint sealant, there's no need to get the old off, or certainly not off completely. If there's a considerable buildup, trim it down (carefully) with a razor blade or similar; then just clean it well and put a small quantity of fresh over, sealing it into the cracks.
Four tubes of Dicor are probably enough to redo an entire roof from scratch. You definitely won't run out.
Incidentally, most of the time the seal between the cabover section and the cab is actually made with a rubber gasket captured between the chassis roof and the bunk board or equivalent and held in with the screws that mount the two together, usually a bunch of fairly small screws driven up from inside the cab. I don't know if your particular model follows that typical scheme or does something unusual, but I would not expect it to rely on exterior caulking for the cab to cabover seal.