We have a CB and it comes in handy when traffic comes to a complete stop. The truckers on the other side of the freeway/interstate can let you know what the back up is and sometimes which lane to get into.
I really have only used it once asking a trucker if a certain hwy had been opened as it had been under construction for a long time. The guy answered that it was not open yet which saved us a lot of trouble if I had gone in the 'new' direction thinking the new hwy must be open by now.
Our current CB is the all-in-one handheld. I find it a little difficult to use. The new coach we are getting has the normal type CB where the head unit is next to the driver's seat on the right in a compartment and the microphone is much less bulky. I think I'll like it better. And, it also has a speaker option to communicate with people outside (that's going to be fun!) LOL!