Forum Discussion

mowermech's avatar
Apr 01, 2014

CB channels...

In another thread about looking for a CB antenna coax, CB channel usage was brought up. Rather than keep that thread going off-topic, I decided to start a new one.

While it is true that the FCC only officially designates ONE channel, Channel 9, for emergency use only, there have been "Gentlemen's Agreements" in effect over the years for several other channels.
Channel 19 was originally, IIRC, by popular agreement, the National Calling Channel. Then it became the channel for mobile stations to use.
At one time, Channel 19 was for North-south traffic, and Channel 17 was for East-West traffic. Or was it the other way around??

Back in the 23 channel days, Channels 15 and 16 were reserved by popular agreement for Single Side Band (SSB) users. Channel 16 was the SSB Calling Channel. Then, when 40 channel radios became available, there was an effort on the part of several CB magazines to set Channels 35 thru 40 for SSB use, with Channel 16 still as a SSB Calling Channel. This agreement was advantageous to both AM and SSB users, because regardless of what some advertisements say, an AM/SSB radio does not have 120 channels. AM and SSB can not be used on the same frequency at the same time. It is even difficult to use USB and LSB on the same frequency (Upper SideBand and Lower SideBand)

Recently, there has been a movement for RV drivers to use Channel 13 for communication with other RVs. This would allow Rvers to have a channel away from the garbage on 17 and 19. So far, acceptance has been very slow.

Channel 14 is shared, by FCC rules, by remote control toys and toy walkie talkies.
Channel 4 is often used by those caravaning, and those on trail runs (such as 4X4 clubs).

NONE of these channel uses have ever been sanctioned by the FCC. They have been purely "Gentlemen's Agreements".
  • I wonder how long it'll be before even the CB "airwaves" get stolen from us by the same greedheads that already took over-the-air analog TV....unless...use of our airwaves for this purpose IS still free, isn't it?

    If I'm revealing my technoignorance here- please be merciful!
  • DutchmenSport wrote:
    We use to have 2 portable hand held CB's with the magnet antenna mount back in the early 1980's. Two things changed all of that. 1). They quit using steel for the roof and fenders of automobiles, went to aluminum, and finally went to fiberglass, and now ... who know what they are using, but it sure isn't steel. 2) the invention of the cell phone. By 1990, our CB days were over. The first cell phone we had was a big old clunky thing about the size of a military 2 way radio, that came with it's own carrying case, and plugged into your cigarette lighter. We thought that was fantastic technology back then! And the CB ended up in the attic, ended up rusting, ended up in the trash.

    I haven't thought about CB usage in ... what ... 24 years at least?

    To each his own...
    There are many places in Montana where cell coverage is spotty to non-existent. The same is true in Idaho and Nevada, where I am most likely to travel.
    Even the amateur radio bands can be very lonely in some areas.
    With CB, there is a fair chance I can get help, even if the contactee is on the East Coast! Yes, talking skip is illegal, but in an emergency who cares about the rules!
    If you ever want to do a trail run with a 4X4 club, you are quite likely to find that a CB is REQUIRED, your cell phone will not be accepted.
    There is still a place for CB. I just completed the installation of a Maxon 40 channel AM set, with 10 weather channels, in my truck. I have a Cobra that I will be installing in the motorhome this spring.
    I also have an all band all mode amateur radio in the truck, and a 2 meter radio in the coach.
    I also have my cell phone. Sometimes I can even use it, depending on where I happen to be at the time!
    My son has my old Motorola bag phone in his collection. I wish it was still usable, but it is analog only. In some ways it was much better than my current flip-phone!
  • While it might seem a noble idea, I really wonder how many RVers have a CB, let alone ever turn it on. I've got an old CB in my basement, but have not ever given it a thought to install it in the RV. Not sure I would ever run into the need to use it.

    One competing and more logical choice would be instant chat on some RV forum. With so many smart phones, that setup would seem more likely to generate traffic.
  • We use to have 2 portable hand held CB's with the magnet antenna mount back in the early 1980's. Two things changed all of that. 1). They quit using steel for the roof and fenders of automobiles, went to aluminum, and finally went to fiberglass, and now ... who know what they are using, but it sure isn't steel. 2) the invention of the cell phone. By 1990, our CB days were over. The first cell phone we had was a big old clunky thing about the size of a military 2 way radio, that came with it's own carrying case, and plugged into your cigarette lighter. We thought that was fantastic technology back then! And the CB ended up in the attic, ended up rusting, ended up in the trash.

    I haven't thought about CB usage in ... what ... 24 years at least?