Forum Discussion

doublenasty17's avatar
May 26, 2014

Cb radio/ ham operator

Does anyone run cb radios or ham radios?
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    In the cockpit I used to have 3 CB's (one turned off) but now only have two, One on Chan 19 (The good one) and one on 13 (The RVer's channel)

    I have a Kenwood MT-721 Dual Band (VHF/UHF) ham rig
    And a Motorola Hand Held on 146.52 MHZ FM

    In the "Main" radio room a TS-2000

    Beside me as I type a Icom IC-02AT with bad receive audio (I will fix one of these days) and in the bedroom an Icom IC-2AT (no Zero) which I turn off if it gets annoying.

    Yes, I travel with both CB and HAM and a cell phone.. Communications can make the difference between life and that other choice I'd rather not talk about.
  • I don't have a class A (yet) but I do take my ham gear when we travel with our TT. I have a mobile tri-band FM radio in the truck and a HF radio and a buddi-pole HF antenna that I sometimes setup once the TT is setup.

  • Welcome to the forum.

    I don't have one but, I know there are forum members that use ham radios.

    I do have a CB radio. However, like many forum members, it does not get used very often.
    Many don't care for the language, etc. used on the CB.

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