theoldwizard1 wrote:
The battery light means that the alternator is putting out less voltage than the battery, so the battery is DISCHARGING ! No need to check the belt, it is on a tensioner. Check the connections at the battery and the alternor to see if they are clean and tight.
After that, 99% chance it is the alternator.
Maybe this may help? I have an emergency start system on the vehicle. Today I went out to start the vehicle using the emergency start system. I presume that the Coach & Chassis batteries are charged simultaneously/together when the engine is started and running?
Not sure if I got the procedure correct using the emergency start system uses the Coach battery but it was dead or would not respond. The Chassis battery turned over strong & started the engine. However the charging system light remains on.
Maybe tomorrow I will remove the Coach battery and see if it has a charge and how much of a charge. Correct me if I am mistaken but I presume that both batteries should be charging when engine is running?? Providing the alternator & charging system is working?