Executive wrote:
One caveat to Scott's suggestion is not to be UNDER the coach and use extreme caution when working under anything that might harm you while working on air issues. You won't believe how quickly your coach will drop by disconnecting even a 1/4 air line. I realize you'll be bleeding off the air in Scott's method, but if something is amiss within your system one of the tanks may not be purged and you'll never get out from under the coach/generator compartment etc. in time....be careful...Dennis
Thanks Dennis,
I most likely should have mentioned that. I forget all that safety stuff. Imagine that! Since I worked in the field of Rescue for my entire career. But yes, you can goof around by trying to drain the system by pulling on the lanyards up front which, may take you 'till next Sunday or, simply depress the brake pedal rapidly, several times and, your air system will be down to nothing in a matter of 15-25 seconds. OH, and if and when you do pull either one of those air lines off the MMDC, and there's any air in the system at all, you might want ear protection and eye protection.
If that air, escaping from those lines, hits debris on the carpet (inside the coach) or anything else, it might kick it up and deposit it in your eyes so, some eye protection for that part of the test, might be warranted too.