Hi harold,
Since you want to take the gloves off again here is what I think of the system you promote so strongly.
Nothing to trip over. (but my heaters are in otherwise wasted space, so are "no trip")
Uses existing thermostat
is available in 3 "flavors"
can be set to run furnace fan at 1/2 speed (because other wise the smallest flavor blows pretty darned cool air, just like a heat strip)
Power is "brought to you" unlike propane which you must go and get.
Can not fail over to furnace
Can not replace all heating needs in the 30 amp flavor
Probably can not replace all heating needs in the "medium" flavor
Can not be used with 15 amp power
Can not be run to act as a helper to the furnace
takes 5 hours to install (and that is if you have done more than one).
Costs $500 smackers plus install (so in my opinion to call it cheap heat is an insult)
requires a good working knowledge of electricity to diy
voids the warranty on the furnace
the three flavors are identical--just wired differently to allow different output levels
the 30 amp flavor does only a few more watts than a heat strip in an air conditioner
the furnace fan gets a lot more hours on it
has the same noise level as the propane furnace.
Break even even for a full time RV'er is several years of use. (And then only if the power happens to be included in campsite cost.)