I hope I'm answering everyone. The Trooper works with a group that specializes in big rigs and with NASCAR coming twice a year and other tourist he has probably seen his share of accidents. Also he is an avid RVer himself and spoke from experience. The dinette in my coach has not seatbelt and can't be modified either. As far as flying objects go I was in the Navy and even at 45 ft seas I never had anything flying around. There is always the unforeseen but as the driver I will do my best to keep everyone safe. I've driven on three continents and more than a dozen countries, I got rear ended once in nearly 30 years of driving. Also while the coach is much heavier than a car it will tip over much easier as well. We just Ana case of a school bus getting hit by a car in MA. The end result were 20 kids got hurt. I wanted to show others some options on how to secure a toddler and while I'm not happy with the solution I feel my son stands a chance now. The only thing we are missing now is warmer weather. I picked the coach up in single digits but it's just not ideal camping weather.