psa0298 wrote:
I have 4 kids and did alot of searching on this. The fact is NO ONE (that I could find) has done any crash testing on class A MHs. There is also no data regarding injuries from sitting sideways, like on a sofa. Sitting forward at a table presents it's own the table. MHs only have lapbelts(except for driver and copilot)...not great for kids. All I know is (from the pictures I've seen) that unless you are in a highend MH (like a bus) there is not much left after a major crash....these things just fall apart. I hate to say it but at the end of the day, you have to decide what you feel would be the safest in your MH. Also, most kids don't wear seatbelts on the bus to school everyday....not saying it's right or wrong...just saying.
I have asked those that would give me a ticket..police. I will see what I get back for an answer. I was concerned that the dinette table does come off, again I am back to duct tape.