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charlessfolly's avatar
Dec 14, 2019

Christmas 2019 in Vancouver part 1

My doctor's appointment in Vancouver became a visit with the daughter and her beau as well. Of course we planned for an evening in Stanley Park to ride the Christmas train with all the xmas lights. Another night for Van Dusen Gardens.
We were surprised to find out that MSA would pay for the BC ferry trip both ways because of the medical appointment, only $17.50 for the wife, the cats and I were free.Who knew?
We camped at Capilano RV Park next to the Lion's Gate Bridge.
The first night when we set up I put on the propane water heater along with the other hookup jobs and went inside the Rv. After about 20 minutes I started to hear a hissing sound from under the corner bed. Oh,oh! Well you know how many things can hiss and you know it's not good... Gas line, water line, tires, refrigerator, etc. Finally I tried turning on the tap at the kitchen sink. The hissing faded then stopped.
I closed the tap without turning on the water pump and shortly later the hissing was back but not as loud. Along with that sound was the roar of the hot water tank burner from the back corner of the rv. I went out and turned off the heater. This solved the problem.
Of course, we now had another problem- no water! Well,rving is about compromise so we found that if we bled off the pressure after we ran the tap there was no leaking sound so now we open the tap then turn on the pump
and turn off the pump and let the water slow to a dribble.A water bottle for the toilet and we're running manually for the time being.
It's Day 2 so far so good...
  • It is mild in Vancouver, about 6 or 7 degrees Celsius at the moment.
    The area where the leak is ,I believe, is at the back of the unit where I recently tidied up the wiring and plumbing and put paint on the floor and rv sealant at the walls. A major leak would be noticable and a minor leak not too traumatic, (I hope).
    On to my next adventure- see part 2.
  • Yes, you correct in the type of fitting and reading it tighter won't help. The little (20ft) rv is mid renovation and red and blue pipe with new elbows, etc. Is the plan.
  • That is Qest tubing. It isn't bad if they use the compression fittings but usually they just used silver band clamps (aluminum) at every fitting and the aluminum eventually stretches, loosens and leaks.
    Maybe the easiest way to fix it is to just cut off the offending fitting and use a compression fitting replacement. They are available under the Zurn brand name and look something like this:

    Qest fitting

    Note that your connection is leaking someplace regardless of how much you can hear it. These leaks DONT fix themselves and will do massive damage if left alone.

    There may also be some Sharkbite fittings to repair this as well.
  • If it is its due to age. Doesn't get cold enough in Vancouver to freeze.
  • Actually, I didn't find or fix the leak. I know the hoses are the old grey ones, (1990 G30 chassis), but I had a drip at a fitting near the heater so I'm hoping that's it.
  • So, where was the leak? At the water heater outlet? Sorry, you said "leaking sound" and I'm curious what you found.