Forum Discussion

bellolove's avatar
Jul 15, 2013

Class A bunk models that are shorter?

Besides the Winnebago Vista 32K, the Itasca Sunstar (same thing I guess) or the Forest River Georgetown .. any other bunk models that are around 32 feet? We want something between 2005 and 2011.. we can't afford anything newer and want to keep the length under 33 feet max since were in California where parks are harder to get into. I just want to be sure I'm not missing another model out there??
  • I think even the Vista/Sunstar are actually over 34' if you look at the specs.
  • Bellove, have you camped in any CG's in CA in an RV? IMO, you won't have a problem with most of them 35 ft and under. Ours is 33 ft and I've seen even 40 footers in every CG we've camped at except one (up by Mountain High ski resort). We've been to Refugio, San Simeon, Carpenteria, Point Magu (Thornhill Broome), Jalama Beach, San Onofre, Paradise (Santa Ynez SP), Table Mountain (Mountain High area) to name a few. And every RV park had no problems of course.
  • ..We looked at zillions of different bunk models before ending up with the one we have (see signature). I seem to recall there were a quite a few in the 32' range. Some that I seem to recall that you did not mention, include the Damon Daybreak model, Thor hurricane, and maybe a Fleetwood model of some variation? Or, maybe those were all in the 35-36' range.

    Obviously everyone's wants, needs are different, but I will tell you, that all of the 32' models we sat in and looked at, were just way too cramped for us (family of 4 - two kids). Really like the space our 36' Georgetown bunk model provides.

    JMO and its obviously biased, but I think you'll be much happier with a 35' unit. I'm not familar with park access there in California, but I bet you'll find you can get a 35' unit in most of the same places you could get a 32' unit.
  • Just bumping my thread to see if anyone knows. I don't see anything else with bunks unless we want to go up to a 35 footer. I am now wondering if access to parks is going to be that much different between a 32 and 35 footer?