The Logans wrote:
We sometimes camp where there more Bears than people... An outside kitchen would be like a Bear buffet.
The one unit that we did have with an outside kitchen, well, it never got used. Seems like it was always too hot, or too cold, or raining, or attracting forest creatures, etc.
Wow Bears, lol. Well (I, the husband) am Retired Army, so I'd be hitting up all the Military base RV parks. I'll sprinkle a few civilian RV parks in there if absolutely necessary, like Key west. Key west Military RV park has a waiting list and only allows you to stay for 2 weeks at a time, then there's a civilian one down the road where you can stay up to 30 days. So we'll stay in mostly densly populated areas and mostly in the southern parts of America, I figuere I'll go as far north as St George UT, but that's it.