Back to the beginning. An RV is a depreciating asset. It is NOT a financial investment, it is a purchase. We all of us will lose some substantial part of the money we put into the purchase. We all have made the determination that that cost is what we are anxious to pay for being able to live the lifestyle. And there is no one lifestyle. Some of us are Retirees and some are young working families. Some of us like to move around a lot and some prefer to stay in one or two places. Many of us change patterns as we change. The underlying thought is the depreciation of the RV is just one of the expenses required to live the lifestyle. The relative cost to other lifestyles is irrelevant to many of us. We all eat, need clothes (less in the RV lifestyle) burn fuel - either in our own vehicles or in trains and planes - and pay for entertainment of our preference. The RV is just a way to get there and to house ourselves.
We wouldn't give it up for anything and we don't worry about the cost since it is within our means.