Good planning can look a lot like overthinking. Key items in order: If wife is not on board forget all the other items. This is a major lifestyle change and all parties, even the dogs need to WANT to to do it. You will be living in at most 350 sq feet (large motorhome) and in each others face all the time. You need more than love, you need to like being with each other AND like the lifestyle that comes with it. Take a couple of extended rental trips to see how it works out for both of you. In our case we started drafting our lists of wants and needs on day three of the first such trip. Only after you have agreement that you are equally invested in the idea should you look at finances. Regardless of how you get there you need to have in a safe investment enough money to get back into a s&b without counting on anything from the sale of the rig. That leaves lots of cushion for all the things that can go wrong, including health. You might reach a point where you compromise and want a fixed base and the coach, you never know. If you don't do this, you will have burned your bridges and you take what comes. There are alternatives but they are for people who know and love the lifestyle and don't want to ever come off the road. Even for them health may have other ideas.