Forum Discussion

cookieJar's avatar
Apr 14, 2015

class A entry steps

We have a 2012 Thor Challenger 32v that we've put about 10k miles on. We've dealt with various "new" break in problems successfully, however the other day heard a bang after pulling in and shutting off engine. Exited the unit to check, thinking may have hit something. Couldn't find any reason for the noise. Entered the unit, closed the door and 'Bang' again. Went to exit and no steps. Inspection revealed there is a 1" diameter bolt holding a half moon gear in place that rides on a gear from the motor, which sheared off below the mounting plate just above the threads. Why would this happen? Metal fatigue? I believe it requires removing another bracket and drilling out the remaining piece of bolt to be replaced. That's some tough metal! Anyone know if I am even in the ball park on this or do I replace the entire unit? Thanks for any help.
  • What Fireup posted above is not what my kwikee step parts looked like...
    My motor has a small gear attached to it, and the gear it meshed with looked like a stamped steel half moon with teeth pivoting on a really big bolt. A pivot attached to that holds the lil arm that connects to the main rod that rotates to extend and retract the steps.
  • I just rebuilt our kwikee steps (see post, they turned out real purty!) and I certainly can visualize what you're saying. The bolt isn't an inch, but it's pretty big.

    I'd guess it should not have broken unless perhaps the steps were jammed, and even then the motor shoulda shut down from the load, that's how they work.

    Your plan seems the way to go. Take it all apart, maybe some PB blaster and an EZ out will get the stub loose?
    Heat from a propane torch works wonders too.
  • BTPO1 wrote:
    I normally can visualize these types of things, but today I am having trouble doing that. A picture of this would be helpful. Or maybe the step manufacturer so that I would be able to see it. JMO

    Wow, I've done lots of work on the Kwikee made steps on our present coach and others and, I too cannot visualize a ONE INCH BOLT anywhere in that entire step drive/motor drive system. Now, does that mean they don't exist? Nope, not at all. It just means I may not know ALL THE STEP SYSTEMS OUT THERE.

    But, I'm really interested in seeing the pictures too. Below are pics of the drive gear in my gear box of the Kwikee "two step" version. It's actually the DRIVEN gear that's damaged in mine. But in any case, please get back with pics of your situation.

  • Thanks for responding. I'll get a pix in tomorrows daylight. Sorry I made it so confusing. The bolt holds a half moon gear in place so when the door opens the motor turns , turning the half moon gear and either extends or retracts the steps. The thin metal bracket that holds wires and clips would have to be removed to access the 'socket' that the bolt sheared off in, under the units . I'll clicka pix of the bolt to give you a size estimate. Thanks again. My inability frustrates me, so I really do appreciate you sharing your wisdom.
  • I normally can visualize these types of things, but today I am having trouble doing that. A picture of this would be helpful. Or maybe the step manufacturer so that I would be able to see it. JMO