well thank you for your reply BUT i would and will honestly say, its not the driver , before the addition of a rear track bar and front steering dampener, the drive was a white knuckler to say the least , couldnt drive it faster than 50 mph , it was like driving in a wind tunnnel , after the additions of stated parts , on the same highway , same type of day , no crosswinds, we were able to bring it up to 70 mph, and the windtunnel affect was gone and so was the white knuckles , im not a kid , nor is my fiancée , im used to driving high peformance bmws for which i worked at a bmw dealership for 20 years ,
from me speaking to many of the people whom i know, this is pretty much a common issue with the f53 chassis , some of stated here that Winnebago , the builder of our coach should have added the rear track bar , many say heck no, its a common issue on MANY CLASS A MOTORHOMES with the f53 chassis , no matter who made it , i have pointed this out seeking what can be done , not to point fingers, but how some blame winnebago when it affects many class A coaches , nit just winnebgao , to me its a ford issue, doing what they do best, put as little as they can in and let it fly