Short story of hitch failure. In my Southwind on a Workhorse w22 chassis I towed a RAV4 weighing 3450 lbs (scale weight). Hitch was rated for 5,000 lbs GCVWR permitted me to tow 3,500 lbs. I had to use an 8" drop hitch to achieve level tow height. After 100,000 miles, returning from Alaska I found that the welds holding the hitch together were cracked. The hitch held together until I reached a safe place to get the coach into repair (this was where I learned how bad it was).
Had I chosen to tow a bigger car as I wanted or put more stuff in the car I have no doubt the story would be a lot worse. The hitch was not overloaded, but it had a lot more stress than one would have expected given the long drop hitch and rough roads it was subjected to.