Forum Discussion

sherck's avatar
Mar 13, 2014

Class C owner looking to downsize

I have a 31' class c that at this point seems to be too big for my needs now, we are a small family,wife, daughter and a vizla dog, but I would like to have 4 seats so I come here to get some help.
I want to drive this rv more often than the time it seats under the cart port, most of the camping we do is at state parks and newer campgrounds with hook ups, we pull a boat and do alot of mountain biking but we dont take the RV off roading but sometimes I go on dirt roads, nothing that requires 4x4, here is what I'm thinking:
I'm looking to downsize to a something like a Roadtrek 190 versatile on a chavy chassis from 1996 to 2002 years.
The 1996 year I like the 190 versatile or the 210 popular,  older body style, from '97-'02 they all look similar.
1) what other class B look similar to the roadtrek?
2) for roadtrek owners, does the older models have a higher ground clearance or they just look higher? I know the '96 hight is 8' 4" and some of the newer ones are 8' 6" overall hight and looking at pictures the older model still looks higher  me.
Option 2 would be a '97 or newer Chinook and I know this one looks more like my class C but smaller, I'm not sure if I would drive it as much in town as I would the roadtrek.
  • From the looks of the boat in your signature picture, you will need to check the tow capacity of most B campers. You may very well exceed the weight limit. Also, Handbasket's suggestion for a trailer tongue extension is very valid.
  • @Mlts22 usually 2 but there are times when the wife wants to go.

    @handbasket You bring up good points that I didn't think about like the boat launching, and what is this cold weather water capability? We pretty much need a place to sleep and get us where we're going, we spend most of the time on the lake or riding the bikes. And if we go with a group of people we all cook outside. I used to do all this in my ram with a shell an a carpet kit before I got my class C.
    Thanks for the comments and I'm open to more suggestions pros and cons about the RTs
  • There were a few RT 190's made on the 19' Chevy G-30, but in the age range you're talking about, there are far more on the Dodge. It has a bit more ground clearance, but still has vulnerable waste plumbing under it. The shorter wheelbase helps a bit there. But it has no cold weather water capability like the later ('02 & up) Express-based Chevy 190's. Some Dodges have driving/handling issues (BTDT); be sure to read the 'test drive' part of the FAQ's here. The Chevy Express RT's of that era drive fine, but sit pretty low and have a longer wheelbase. I've owned one of each. I much preferred the Chevy, but it had its limitations on rough roads. I did spend a fair amount of time of forest service gravel roads with no ill effects, tho'.

    Sleeping three is very possible in either a Popular or Versatile, as long as the third person is not too large and is young & limber. The second-row seat makes into a bed, tho' not a very comfortable one. Some memory foam would improve that, I think.

    Even a 190 has enough room for a family of three, if you're active and don't tend to 'couch potato' it during the day. The old 21' G-30 based 210 is fairly rare.

    One issue may be boat launching. With the Onan under the floor behind the rear axle on all the 190's, it's vulnerable to dunking. I'd want either a hitch extension or a front hitch, either just for launching and retrieving. The 210 has the Onan above the floor.

    HTH. I think you'll use the B a lot more than a large C. It can even be a daily drive, or a local festival or "go to the kid's ballgame" hangout.

    Jim, "I hate it when you offer someone a sincere compliment on their mustache, and suddenly she's not your friend any more."
  • How many people are you taking camping? Almost all "B"s sleep two full sized adults at most.
  • Roadtrek's are good RV's, but very pricey but not too roomy. If it was just you, your wife and the dog A 190 or 210 would do. But your daughter in their too then its just to cramp, I mean just think about it, just to use the shower you have to block the hallway and their only designed to sleep just two (practically). You'd need to jump up to a small C like a Sunseeker 2500TS, or a bigger class B. But if you get the Roadtrek get the chevy 6.0 in it.