Desert Captain wrote:
Just to play Devil's advocate here permit me a dissenting opinion. Walk around queens are the biggest waste of space in any RV. I can get in or out of our queen that is tucked into the rear alongside of the bathroom without disturbing my bride and so can she). Making them is not as convenient but how often do you really have to make one up from scratch?. Tucking in sheets and a blanket or two is not exactly rocket science.
Not having to have a walk around queen we get every bit as much room in a 24' C as the folks with the 27+ footers. Sixteen hours a day that walk around just doesn't have much function aside from the 4 seconds you spend walking around it (be sure and savor the moment), and once you climb in and close your eyes there is no difference whatsoever.
Flame away, I also think there two kinds of RV'ers with slides.... those that have had problems and those that will. There is no third category.
Outstanding post! (IMHO, of course .... because we have a non-slide 24 footer with a rear corner bed.)
We have a 2 inch foam topper on the rear corner bed and we make it up instead of the whole mattress. We keep the base mattress always in place and covered with the fancy cover that Winnebago delivered it with. This nice cover is heavy material, matches the rest of the interior of the RV, and has never needed to be washed in 8 years.
Since our Class C is a "widebody" model, we don't miss having a slide and hence will never have any of the leaks or mechanism problems that slides often develop.