Depends on how old new or used. We were just sort of looking and found and older Majestic (truck mounted)that they were closing out that model for the newer little 19 ft job. We are really happy after 4 years. HAve had a lot of fun in it. Doesn't look to hard to put new power under house part. Beyond that, haven't scene anything that has a price tag that I'd be interested in. Model number was 23p link is pic I found on google image search. It have a lot of bad points and a lot of good points, but that's our traveling machine. Not beat up I think your looking at $15,000-$18,000. It is 26 steps bumper to bumper and is 23 feet from cab over to rear bumper. Sort of a big camper, sort of class B that you can stand up in and has bathroom and toilet. We call her "stand up B"