Mrgunguy wrote:
12th Man Fan wrote:
Do you hear your fan clutch engage?Might not be able to hear it on thet type of engine but on my disel it sounds like a jet taking off. Might check and make sure the fan is operating correctly.
I was told that the “jet taking off” sound is the overdrive kicking in and not what I want to hear when climbing. Whenever I hear that sound I know that I’m on a hill and I need to downshift. I’m guessing the fan is okey dokey.
That Jet taking off sound is is indeed your fan clutch kicking in and it is what you need to hear when climbing,On my old Class A with that same motor that was what you wanted to hear.
A fix for the over heating is to get a severe duty clutch fan to replace the stock one,did that it ran much cooler.