Gundog wrote:
The coach is in storage and not in use but I keep hearing a faint beep I removed it thinking it needed a new battery but it is hard wired. The coach is plugged in and there is nothing running that should trigger the alarm I am guessing it has gone bad. I need to get it fixed we will be using the coach staring the 22nd of this month. The existing detector is a Costar brand.
Should I get another one that is hard wired or a battery operated model?
I don't know where you're located, but It may be too cold for the detector to work properly. Most CO detectors only work within a fairly small temperature range. The widest range I am aware of is from +40*F to 100*F. More often it's +50*F to 100*F
We have one at the family cottage that needs to be unplugged during the winter months. If the temperatures go below 50*F a red light comes on and it starts beeping.