Forum Discussion

mary_will's avatar
Nov 29, 2013

Coach House

We are looking to buy a Class B coach House diesel Platinum 11 24ixlst do someone have advice about this motor home for me.:h
  • Coach House made Class B's until 2001, then they started building the Platinum series which is definitely a Class C (not a B+ either). Quality is good, but I don't think you'll have problems with the laminate cabinets; there's lots of storage inside for lots of stuff. As docj noted above, exterior storage space is a little small, but with some good planning, you can probably get by; but if you have too much stuff, just get an exterior chest like Stowaway and mount it on the back.
  • I did look at the Lazy Daze and Boen Free but they do not come with my diesel i get 22 milper gal.nowand do not with a Gas one and thank you :S
  • Sandymplz any chance of more information from your tours of Coach house and Bornfree. A private E-mail would be great
  • I toured the Coach House manufacturing plant in Florida a few weeks ago. The cabinets are no longer particle board - they've switched to solid wood because of past issues they had. They're also lighter. There's still not as much outside storage as other manufacturers-but the interiors are the most beautiful of any RV I've seen. Stunning. Their slides are hydraulic - I tried jiggling a slide and it's solid as a rock. They're expensive also because they're labor intensive to build- they're not built on an assembly line like Winnebago (visited that factory a month ago). They're built like Born Frees, by hand from the ground up. Toured their factory as well. Very good quality control, from what I saw.
  • We travel frequently with a couple who own a Platinum. The body is built like a tank, but shaped like a ball....less usable space than more square shaped units. Ya, it looks more streamlined, but our fuel burn is always close either way.
    As DocJ said the cabinets are junk, latches and hinges just don't hold in partical board, the plastic laminate comes loose where ever it sees moisture.
    I'd look at Lazy Daze & Born Free if it were me buying.
  • This 1997 Coach House looks like a Class B to me -
    PPL Motorhomes

    Sorry, not all Coach House are Class C or Class B. The model 241 XL is a Class C. *
  • What you pay for with the CH is the one piece fiberglass shell that encompasses everything. This gives it as much leak-resistance as you can find in an RV.

    However, this advantage might not as large these days, because with a Rhino lining or Dave's Permanent Coatings epoxy sprayed roof, there will be no seams, gaps, or caulked areas for water to intrude in.

    There is a good guide posted periodically on tiers of leak resistance. CH is top dog, but one might look at Lazy Daze or another top tier brand as well for build quality.
  • We had a 2005 27' Coach House for five years and enjoyed it, but IMHO the quality did not justify the high price. In particular we found the interior finishing detail to be just average; for example, all the "wood grain" was laminate. The front entertainment cabinet sort of collapsed; we didn't expect that type of experience with a MH priced >$150k.

    One drawback to the Coach House single piece design is that it is very short on exterior storage. We had to add a hitch-receiver mounted storage box in order to comfortably store our outdoor tables and chairs.

    Another issue is that the available cargo load (CCC) was very small; I'm pretty sure we probably drove it overloaded quite a bit of the time. All-in-all I wish we had considered a small Class A rather than the CH.
  • I suspect that the moderator will show up and move this thread as Coach House only builds Class C units. Like many you have stepped into the confusion zone caused by the marketing people thinking that calling it a B makes it sexier. :B It is just a Class C without a bed over the cab.

    They are certainly one of the top converters and if the floor plan and prices meet your needs, you will surely be happy with a purchase. You might also look at the Leisure Travel units.