Forum Discussion

bluwtr49's avatar
Explorer II
Nov 30, 2015

Coach Insurance In Storage

Our insurance premiums took a big jump this year and I'm looking at various options to see if I can get some better rates but one thing just popped into mind. The coach is in storage for most of the winter but I've never looked into suspending coverage during that time.

I'll be contacting the insurance company this week but before I do so it would be useful to hear from others on this topic.

Oh, I should add that the coach is stored in an enclose steel garage located on my property.

Thanks for any comments.
  • Executive wrote:
    Nothing is "secure" anymore. I had a 40' Tourmaster in a 'secure' storage facility. The thief (s) broke into the coach, hotwired it and drove it right through the fence, onto the street and away they went. It was recovered several weeks later, with obvious front end damage and lots of other stuff. Fortunately, it was recovered about 10 days AFTER I received my insurance check. Think this decision over carefully, the money you save may not really be a savings...Dennis

    I agree. Suggest you shop insurance for lower rates as a way to save money than putting yourself at potential risk.
  • 45Ricochet wrote:
    Our Allied Insurance person said they didn't do storage coverage? Said the company's price figured in the storage time most RV's have.

    And that is whole deal.
    Why my very safe car cost me $600 in annual insurance, while motorhome with lot of deadly features just over $100 ?
    For years I had insurance with 21Century for low rates, but at some point they stop insuring trucks, so I switch to AAA and have house insurance with them as well.
  • Dick.....You don't say what insurance you currently have, but many of us with no claims or changes would suddenly get a huge increase from Progressive in year 4-5. I had a friend once tell me that an insurance will never show loyalty to you, so never worry about showing loyalty to them.

    The minute Progressive sent me the dramatically increased premium for no reason, I switched to AAA and got the same coverage for several hundred dollars less than Progressive before their rate increase.

    The around and don't worry about dumping an insurance company.
  • barmcd wrote:
    I know you used to be able to do this with USAA insurance on recreational type vehicles (no experience with motorhomes) like motorcycles.

    Yes, USAA still does this as I had mine in "storage" mode for a while this year.

  • It all depends on who your lien holder is and also your insurance co. I dropped the collision on my Roadtrek and the storage (comp & liability) costs $13. for 6 months.
  • I think MoHo insurance is a bargain compared to what you pay for auto insurance. i mean it cost me less to insure a $100,000 coach than it does my car.
  • Just remember, If you suspend coverage and even tho you have the motorhome on YOUR property in YOUR building, If anything happens to that Motorhome, your Homeowners insurance will NOT cover anything on the motorhome. Homeowners insurance does NOT cover motorized vehicles. Doug
  • Thanks for all the replies. I called our agent yesterday and found out a couple of things:

    1) Our carrier (National Interstate) has no provision for suspending coverage while in storage.

    2) If we use the coach more than 157(?) days a year we are required to go to full timer coverage. That was a surprise since we spent 5 months traveling this summer.....worked out to 155 days or so.

    Our comprehensive coverage is over 50% of the premium but I can raise the deductible to $2500 while in storage and she is figuring the $$$ benefit in doing so. She is also looking at another company just for comparison. So we shall see what we shall see.
  • dougrainer wrote:
    Just remember, If you suspend coverage and even tho you have the motorhome on YOUR property in YOUR building, If anything happens to that Motorhome, your Homeowners insurance will NOT cover anything on the motorhome. Homeowners insurance does NOT cover motorized vehicles. Doug

    I don't think anyone is talking about suspending coverage, just suspending collision while stored. It would still be covered for weather, theft, vandalism, etc.

    PS - at one time Farmers insurance would cover your motorhome and boat under homeonwers while it was parked at the home. Don't know if they do that anymore.