Forum Discussion

Mike_De's avatar
Aug 03, 2014

Coach Separating from Cab!

I have a Jayco 2003 3100SS with about 25k miles (had since new)...

Got an interesting problem just happened. While on a trip, I noticed the coach box separating from the cab, just on the passenger side - not on the cab top or driver's side. Opened up just under 1/2", enough that I could see the screws holding the forward panel of the coach to the door frame.

I pulled the cover panel inside the coach and tightened the 6 or so screws that hold the coach box to the passenger door frame. About 1,000 miles later, it opened up again. This time used larger screws and flat washers, since it was starting to pull through the plywood panel. Same thing happened again after a bit...

Now there are some pretty significant dents where the latest screws/washers are trying to pull through the plywood. I've looked underneath, and don't see anything out of sorts... nothing bent, pulled, cracked, etc.

The other thing that happened at the same time is that a piece of angle iron in front of the step now hits the step when it comes out/in. So something has shifted, just can't seem to find it.

HELP!! Any ideas of things to check from all you smart folks out there??
  • No pics. Also I think it would be impossible for the CS rep to fully determine the problem from some pictures. They probably want you to take it to the dealer so the can get a much better idea of what the problem is. Just because he is sending you there does not necessarily mean that they are not going to help get it fixed.
  • Well, after a couple weeks of looking over my pics, the Jayco Customer Service guy said he didn't know what to do - that I should take it to a dealer and have it looked at. NOT what I expected from Jayco!

    I attached some pics, and from really looking at the chassis close, it appears the forward most C channel was not aligned correctly from the start! It is twisted to align with the bolt coming from the frame support. That has caused the side to begin to pull away from the cab. The step mounting bracket is bolted to it, and it has started to deflect from the twist.

    I may be able to unbolt it and straighten it/redrill the mounting support hole, but it is pretty far off! I'm surprised it took this long for the problem to show!

  • It sounds like something structural is giving way. (Have you been off-roading it in the boonies?) Because it's sort of easy to get too, I'd take a look at the fame underneath. I broke the frame in half twice on a truck from lots of abuse. I'm not saying you've abused your MH, just that frame problems can happen. A MH isn't the lightest thing, so something could of happened to the frame.
