Forum Discussion

gwwing2's avatar
Dec 26, 2013

Coachman Freelander 19CB, anyone?

Hi, all, We are in the process of seriously considering a Coachman Freelander 19CB. This would be a change from our truck camper popup. The 19cb is about the same length as our truck camper (about 21 feet 6) but more comfort items then the TC. We will of course be changing our camping style of off road to more "civilized" roads. I guess our questions are; Anyone actually own a 19CB and how do you like it. How does it handle? Any regrets or things to look out for? Seems like this is maybe one of the smaller type C still available. I have been told Coachman is no longer making this model.
Thanks for any info.

Gwwing Reno, NV
  • If you're going to change your usage ways from TC, I would suggest that for the meager addition of 2' or so length, the 21 QB has a more flexible floorplan.
  • Gaino... Thanks for the reply. We will be looking forward to the extras compared to the truck camper. This will however be the first Ford for me.
  • Hello,
    I have the Freelander 22qb at 24'5" a little longer than the one your looking at. And compared to the truck camper I had before its got more of everything in close to the same outside package. The small class c is easy to drive and get into tight camping spots. My Freelander is a solid unit and haven't had any trouble in the six months of ownership.