Many do it including 18 wheelers. I DON'T! lol. Been RV'in since 1971 all over the country. Its the ONLY road that scares me. I've driven it between Ouray & Silverton in our Jeep. There are a few places where there is NO Guardrail because there is no rooom to put one. The hyway... white line...the edge...the ravine. You'll be on these areas north or south because the road switches across the valley to the other side. I always go from Delores up Rt.145/62 into Ridgeway and south on 550. Beautiful route. I hope you're gonna do some off-road Jeepin. If you do, check about trails at any Jeep rental place. Stay off 'Black Bear' 4x4 trail! Experienced Jeepers have died on it.