jtad wrote:
We will be going from Texas to Ouray Co in a couple of weeks. 40 foot diesel pusher pulling a Jeep. I have seen mixed reviews about driving this combo on Hwy 550. I was a over the road truck driver at one point in my life and drive fire trucks for a living now. How bad is this road, something I need to avoid or just take it slow? What other routes are there to get to Ouray?
Well Sir, from one "Retired" fireman to a "still working one" I can tell you, you'll have ZERO issues with that road and or, driving conditions. Especially since you've based your careers on DRIVING larger and heavier machines, in multiple various situations and conditions. Yep, there's almost NO guard rails on that length of the road, all the way from Durango to Ouray. Big deal! Unless you use guard rails to guide your coach in mountain driving conditions, it will not be of any concern.
Yes, that road was one of the ones featured on a TV show called "Dangerous Roads". If you've ever seen that show, they also did one on a road in Bolivia. That road makes the Million Dollar Road, look like a road in Kansas!!
That show featured two fuel tanker drivers, a father and son team. And they drove that Million Dollar highway through the best and worst possible road conditions. They drove that road through some of the worst snow storms possible. Guess what, their still alive and still driving.
We've driven that section several times. We've done it with three different motor homes, all towing Jeeps. And, speaking of Jeeping, the Ouray-Silverton area has some of the most spectacular Jeeping roads/trails there are. You even get to climb above the actual tree line. Trees can't grow over that line, man, that's weird.
Anyway, that route is one beautiful drive. Outstandingly scenic. There are RVs towing on it every day. It has some seriously steep climbs and, on the back side, decents. So, do make sure that your brakes are in great shape and or your EXHAUST BRAKE or, COMRESSION BRAKE are working correctly. You'll have no problems. There are pull-off sections for slow moving vehicles but, they are few and far between so, take that into account. Good luck and, be safe on the rest of that great career.