Forum Discussion

clydedoerr's avatar
Jan 27, 2014

Continual running of Onan microquiet 4000

What is the longest anyone has run a microquiet Onan 4000 generator without shutting it down? Any problems? Thanks
  • A couple of years ago almost a week after a power outage. I did stop briefly to give it a rest, check the oil, drive over to the gas station. The RV was the neighborhood cooling and cell phone charging station. It was a lifesaver.
  • About 3 days during a winter power outage to keep water for the house from freezinh
  • Not a microquiet but did run my Onan for 96 hours no problems but did keep door open for extra ventilation since it was over 110 degrees during the daytime.
  • Clyde,

    Always check the oil first. Then,
    As long as you have fuel,run it.
    The only thing I will suggest is that after the first 12 hours, you shut it down for about 5 minutes and check the oil level. If it hasn't changed, fire up again and check at 24 hours. Soon you will know how much you have to worry.
    For my 40yo Power Drawer, it needs a pint every 30 hours.
    It you take care of it, it will be reliable a very long time.

  • I have run my generator under 50-75% load continuously for 3 days during a power outage/storm.......we were the only ones in CG that had power :B

    When I was a working man we had numerous generators....various sizes......different fuels and they ran 24/7/365.

    Proper routine maintenance.......they are meant to run.
  • I'd change the oil and do other upkeep as per the manual, but I'm sure people have run those a good while, perhaps 100-200 hours if the gas tank is large.

    What kills Onans is disuse. I'd be far more scared of an Onan that has seen 4 hours of use in a two year old rig than one that has seen 1000 hours. Unless properly fogged and drained, one should expect at least to buy a new carb if left sitting for too long, if not new slip rings and other windings.