Hi Doug,
I've seen the reverse polarity fuses blow when I attempted to do double conversion using my Magnum inverter/charger. The inrush current is too great. Why did I attempt that? Because the Magnum dislikes MOST gfci outlets. I did add a switch before my converter so when on limited power I can use the dedicated inverter powered outlet in the kitchen.
BTW after the fuses were replaced the converter was just fine.
dougrainer wrote:
pianotuna wrote:
Are you sure it is fried? Did you check the reverse polarity fuses on the output of the converter?
The reverse polarity fuses. WHEN I have seen them blown from REVERSING the Coach battery connections, usually they did not protect the Converter and the converter is defective. Now, the OP stated he had a 50 amp wired to a 30 amp. WHY THAT FRIED ANYTHING IS A MYSTERY. But, I assume he meant a 220 hit, not 50 wired to a 30 which would not cause any problem. IF a Converter takes a 220 hit, the Polarity fuses will NOT save the Converter. They only save if you do indeed miswire the 12 volt battery. Doug