Forum Discussion

DAS26miles's avatar
Explorer II
May 01, 2015

Converting to a Vent Fan

We are looking at an Itasca Sunstar 26he and it appears there is only a vent fan in the bathroom, no where else. Does anyone know if Winnebago has prewired for fans in the other two vents up in the kitchen/ lounge area? This could be a deal for us as we have to leave our dog on occasion and we currently run 2 fans to keep the MH cooler. We would like to but in either fantastic fans or Maxx fans.
  • I would be shocked if any production-line RV is built without 12-volt power to the roof vents. I expect they use the very same wiring harnesses whether they are ordered with or without vent fans. Our last RV was an entry-level travel trailer bought new in 2003 and it had power at the vents.

    The trim rings are easy enough to pull and doing so will let you look to see if there is power there.

  • Just installed a MaxxFan in my Winnebago trailer and found it very easy to use the wiring in a nearby ceiling light. Drop the trim around the vent, then look for access to the nearest light.
  • Our 2014 Itasca Sunstar 31KE front vent (over door/ couch) is pre- wired. I dropped the cover/ shroud and found the 12 volt wires ready to go.

    Easy to drop shroud and look up into corner to see if wires are there. In the end I decided not to install the fan though an went with a free standing version of the Fantastic Fan which we set in the window. Seems to work well
  • AllegroD wrote:
    Can you pull the beuaty ring and look?

    Going to the dealer now. Will ask if they can check.
  • If your ordering a new one call the mfg and see if they can add additional vents. We were going to order our new fiver and FR said for $150 engeineering fee and labor costs they could do just about anything we wanted.
  • Thanks Golden HVAC, we are going tomorrow to take another look at the MH. I bought a Renogy 100 watt solar suitcase for my current MH. I have used the solar a few times with good success. Just need sun and no trees.
    My MaxxFan that I currently have in the kitchen works great. I think it draws about 3.2 amps, the new models draw a lot more.
  • Hi,

    I have a 97 Fleetwood Bounder, and they did install 12 volt power to each roof vent. I changed all 3 of mine to Fanstastic fans when my RV was new. I just bought another one from for my other van, and will get it on the 4th. It was only $160 for a manual open, reversible fan.

    You can remove the inside cover, and look for 2 wires. They normally install the wiring, and then the dealerships will install fans at a later date. Some even install a romex wire for a optional 120 volt A/C unit too, so do not mix up the wires.

    Or you can 'fish' a wire from a nearby light fixture that is on all the time.

    I also have a pair of 120 watt solar panels to power the fans all day long. They also shade a portion of my roof too! sells a 140 watt panel for $229. You can get a PWM controller for about $35. UV rated grey romex from Home Depot. 2" angle aluminum to make mounts that will allow the panel to sit about 1" off the roof, the cool air keeps it cooler, so you get more amps out of the panels.

    Some rubber roof sealant between the mounts and roof, and over the screws, and you are done!

    Good luck on your project!
