Forum Discussion

MagillaGorilla's avatar
Oct 20, 2015

Cover or no Cover?

Looking for info from those of you that have actually used a cover on your RV for the winter.

If you fulltime and don't cover your rig, you don't need to reply and let us know how great it is to live where its warm in the winter. We already know.

If you live where its warm: you don't need to reply and let us know how great it is to live where its warm in the winter. We already know.

If you have indoor storage: you don't need to reply and let us know how great it is to have indoor storage. We already know.

This post is for those of us that live where it snows and must store our rigs outside
  • As a single person, covering the RV (even a small class C like mine) is a 5+ hour job. If I HAD to cover it, I would invest in a carport/canopy rather than try messing with a cover.
  • We live in south central Pennsylvania and get our fair share of snow and ice during the winter.

    I use a cover. I've never had a problem with the flapping cover rubbing the paint or causing damage.
    And, we get a lot of wind during the winter. I've had the cover blow off a couple times because the tie downs broke.
    If you use a cover, make sure it is secured well.
    A garage would be nice, very nice. But, I don't have one so, I use a cover.

    I don't think they're that difficult or time consuming to install/remove. You just need to be careful if you get on the roof.

    Some will tell you dealers don't cover their units for sale. That's a ridiculous reason to not use a cover. Car dealers don't garage the cars for sale but, many people take them home and keep them in a garage. Because, they want to protect their purchase.

    If I lived in a desert area with a lot of sand, I would reconsider. If sand/grit gets under the cover it will scratch the paint.
    I've not had any problems. I'll continue to use a cover. JMO YMMV :)
  • I stayed at a holiday Inn once, so I'll answer. My last trailer was kept outside with no cover.i always worried about the ice build up from snow melting and freezing. My new trailer is kept indoors. A friend of mine covered his. It rubbed a hole in the roof.