Forum Discussion

RoadHound_RVer's avatar
Sep 13, 2013

Damaged RV by dealer

While my motorhome was at the shop for R&M it suffered some fairly extensive interior damage. New flooring, window coverings and some other things are needed. The dealer is playing nice so far and is arranging quotes to have his insurance cover repairs. We have trips planned over the next couple of months but obviously can't go. We also use our mh as an extension of the house for overnight guests and have about 8 families staying with us for a family reunion in a few weeks so we have to have something that will comfortably sleep 6-8 people.

Have any of you been in this situation? Did you demand a comparable 'rental' RV? Or cover your out of service time by negotiating a settlement? Other considerations?
  • What did the owner of the dealership keep his hungry Rottweiler in your Motorhome ?
  • msmith1199 wrote:

    I am a little confused, how did the interior get torn up so bad that it will take months to fix? Replacing the flowing and window covers should take a couple of days at the most.

    Me too! I don't get it.
  • If it's a dealer, they may have a used motorhome on the lot they could arrange to let you use.

    I am a little confused, how did the interior get torn up so bad that it will take months to fix? Replacing the flowing and window covers should take a couple of days at the most.
  • Have you made the dealer aware of your near future travel plans and your need for extended housing for family guests as well? If not, I would suggest you first make them aware of your circumstances, thereby giving them an opportunity to provide you with alternative accomodations at little or no further cost. Also, as has been suggested here, look to your insurance company for guidance.

    Something can be worked out. Please keep us posted.
  • Get it in writing that they accept liability from their risk management team and yes, take loads of pictures and video and date them with the camera. Also, very good advice to speak with your insurance company as soon as possible.
  • You need to speed that dealer up or consider something like legal action, it shouldn't take them months to fix what they screwed up. And yes try to demand a similar rental or loaner RV.
  • What does YOUR insurance company say????????? I'd be talking to them......they will give you the best advice. And tandkj is right....PICTURES with dates and document.
  • Take pictures and more pictures and date everything. Write down as much as you can remember.